Friday, September 4, 2009

Notes from Week 2 Readings

Notes From: (Wikipedia) Personal Computer Hardware

- Computer is made of hardware, various software programs, and operating system
~ Case
~ Monitor
~ Motherboard “brain”
~ CPU- Central Processing Board (performs calculations of function)
~ Chipset- Makes Communication between CPU and rest of Computer
~ RAM- stores running processes
~ BIOS (basic input output system)- tasks handled by operating system drivers
~ Internal buses- connect CPU to internal parts (current or obsolete)
~ External Bus Controllers (external support, USB, etc.)
~ Power Supply- cord, switch, cooling fan
~ Video Display Controller- produces output to monitor
~ Removable Media Drives- CD, DVD, floppy, etc.
~ Internal Storage- keeps data even without power (hard disk)
~ Input devices- mouse, keyboard

Notes From: (Wikipedia) Moore’s Law

Moore’s Law- Long term trend in the history of computer hardware
- Advancement in some chips occurs at a fixed rate (ex. Processors)
- Trend of doubling every two years in transistors on integrated circuit
- Observed by Gordon Moore (Intel)
- Connected to processing speed, memory, camera, pixels
- Increased electronics’ usefulness
- Moore’s theory changed slightly over time
- First was an observation, then became more of a goal
- Will eventually reach it’s limits
- Futurist believe it will lead to technology advances instantly
Other laws, etc.
- Size, cost, density and speed are also changing exponentially
- Moore’s 2nd law- cost of a semiconstructor increases exponentially over time
- Future trends will continue
- Not all aspects of computing technology advance at these rates (ex. RAM)

Notes From: Computer History Museum:
- Website

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