Friday, November 13, 2009

Week Ten Notes

1) Mischo, W. (July/August 2005). Digital Libraries: challenges and influential work. D-Lib Magazine. 11(7/8).

- Internet is recreating how we find and search digital resources
- Creation of digital libraries for patron satisfaction, make searching for what you want easier.
- Useful diagrams
- Reviews the history of digital libraries, and the different projects that helped contribute. How far digital libraries have come in such a short amount of time.
- Review of the technology and solutions that the programs have overcome
- Notes of how powerful the tools digital libraries now possess
- A lot of room for improvement in the future, with constant changes in technology
- The history was really interesting, because I didn’t realize the cooperation that went into it.
- Discusses Google and Google-Scholar

2) Paepcke, A. et al. (July/August 2005). Dewey meets Turing: librarians, computer scientists and the digital libraries initiative. D-Lib Magazine. 11(7/8).

- Talks about the digital library initiative and bringing together libraries, computer science and publication
- Improved a lot of technology for a lot of different professions
- Bringing together research and every day life
- Help with grant funding and scholarly communication
- Ups and downs of working together (since there were different goals in mind, and other outside forces including the emergence of WWW)
- Disruption of traditional work, and introduction of new technology.
- Tension between libraries and computer science

3) Lynch, Clifford A. "Institutional Repositories: Essential Infrastructure for Scholarship in the Digital Age" ARL, no. 226 (February 2003): 1-7.

- New strategy with the creation of institutional repositories, which are management services for digital materials
- Helped advance scholarly communication
- Trends and efforts brought together to create this strategy
- MIT is leader in the field with dspace (and is the model for a lot of other fields with free access software being released)
- The digital materials should reflect your institution, and many teachers are using authorship to enhance academic expereinces. Lynch believes that institutional repositories should strongly favor the work from the insutituion itself
- Using the digital world for advanced distribution and access
- Will help the ‘evolution of scholarly communication”
- There are also flaws in the system in exercising control, respect and institutional roles. Also problems with the future of technology and the speed at which this technology will be expected to advance
- Represents progress because of access, preservation, identifiers, and project management
- Developments will continue into the future

I enjoyted this article, and thought it was very well written. Lynch has a calming affect in his writing which helps increase understanding of the topic.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that Lynch's article was well written. He argued his points very well and was fairly easy to understand.
